Well! The big day came! The Spelling Bee arrived.
My darling Caroline. I could not be more proud of you. You added a "K" to the end of "Frolic" and so did not make it to the final rounds........but you took the chance and you made it this far.
You got up there, you stood tall, and you spoke clearly. It didn't matter that you were the tiniest one on the stage and that your little green shoes dangled a foot above the floor when you sat in your seat. It didn't matter that you have been nervous to the point of nausea since yesterday. You did it.
Your class was proud of you, as evidenced by the posters they made, and the gifts some of them brought for you, and the love note one boy left in your mail box that read: "Good luck at the spelling bee. I love you.", [Whoa, are they starting them early! ;o)] and they supported you with cheers and pats on the back. You took this all with grace and humility.
And when you were eliminated and had to sit down, you behaved beautifully. You didn't mope or cry. You sat calmly, you continued to cheer for those still up, and you took your medal at the end with a smile on your face. You're a class act, Caroline. I wanted to hold you up and remind everyone that you are MY DAUGHTER.
Congratulations on making it this far, and congratulations on learning the lesson that many adults still don't know: how to bow out gracefully and be happy for the winner. You rock.
Your dad and I love you.
*pictures to follow when the desktop is back in service after the move*
Congratulations, Caroline! Your mom is absolutely correct, "Congratulations on making it this far, and congratulations on learning the lesson that many adults still don't know: how to bow out gracefully and be happy for the winner. You rock." except I think I would have the last bit say, "YOU ROCK!!!" because I would be shouting it REALLY LOUD!! ;)
Trin, I love reading your blog. All of your amazing love for your friends and family comes flying off of the screen and makes me very happy for you (and makes me happy to read it too!)
Congratulations Caroline on making it to the spelling bee!!! Your mom and dad are so proud of you (I can tell by the way mom always talks about you, she loves you so much)! You went, you spelled, you were a good sport, you even conquered fear and nausea!
You go girl!!!
:-) I had to visit again because I finally felt up to creating a new blog.
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