Times have been good around the Hall house lately....or at the very least, busy, and Caroline has been the self that only she can be.
I've had to spend a lot of time with my ball team, practicing and going to tournaments, and Caroline has gone to all the practices and all the tournaments with me. While we're there she alternates between sitting in the stands with Calvin and watching, or running off to play with the other players' kids. By the end of each day she's completely filthy and sweaty---awesome! She needs that, like all kids do. ;o)
Her imagination hasn't suffered much either. She has built up an entire ark of imaginary animals who follow her everywhere and on whom she can ride when her "legs get tired". There are horses named Mazda, Honda, Toyota, Infiniti and Helga (?!), as well as a "seeing-eye cheetah" named Cheetoh.
She reads as voraciously as ever and is working this week on Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of Nimh and The Black Pearl.
Here are a few photos of Caroline's life lately:
Making faces with pal and neighbor, Mila.
Running on the beach in Sweden.
Looking for sea shells.
Goofing off with Daddy in Sundsvall.
"Reporting" Mommy and Daddy for kissing. :o)
Yep, she definitely inherited Calvin's "serious" face.
Hanging out with her Dad on the rocks.
Playing in Nykoping.
The next two: Pretending to be Artemis, with her bow and arrows. Nykoping Castle.
Chilling out in the backseat during the drive from Nykoping to Sundsvall.
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